
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fundamentals of Telecommunication


The word telecommunication has taken from the French word telecommunication, meaning "far off", and the Latin communicare, meaning "to share". Telecommunication is that part of science that uses to transmit information by electromagnetic medium. And communication is a process of sharing of thoughts not by technological means. Telecommunication, however, is communication through technology meaning phones, Internet, radio etc... In today’s world, telecommunications involves the use of electrical components and devices such as the telegraph, telephone, as well as the use of radio and microwave communications system, optical fiber and their associated electronics, the use of the orbiting satellites and the Internet.

Revolution in wireless telecommunications started in the 1900s with pioneering developments in wireless radio communications by Nikola Tesla and Marconi. Other names that are associated with this revolution are:  Samuel Morse (telegraph), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), Edwin Armstrong and Lee de Forest (radio), John Baird and Philo Farnsworth (television).

Basic elements

A basic telecommunication system consists of some primary units that are always present in some form:
  • A transmitter that takes information and converts it into a signal.
  • A transmission medium (physical channel) that carries the signal.
  • A receiver that catches the signal from channel and converts it back into usable information.
Telecommunication over telephone lines is termed as point-to-point communication because it is between one transmitter to one receiver. Telecommunication through radio broadcasts is said as broadcast communication because it is between one powerful transmitter to the numerous low-power and sensitive radio receivers.

Telecom Networks:

A telecommunications network is a combination of links, terminals and nodes which connect to activate telecommunication among users of the terminal. Each terminal in the network must have a sole address so connections can be routed to the correct recipients. The collection of addresses in the network is called the address space. Some of them are:
  • The aeronautical ACARS network
  • Computer Networks
  • The Internet
  • The telephone network
  • The global Telex network

The data network is used throughout the globe to connect particulars and organizations. Data networks can be connected to allow user’s seamless access to assets that are hosted outside of the picky provider they are connected to. The Internet is the best instance of many data networks from different organizations all in service under a single address space.
Terminals attached to TCP/IP networks are addressed using IP addresses. There are special types of IP addresses, but the most common is IP Version 4. Each unique address consists of 4 integers between 0 and 255, usually separated by dots when written down, e.g.
TCP/IP is the fundamental protocols that provide the control and routing of messages across the data network. There are many different network structures that TCP/IP can be used across to professionally route messages, for example:
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • metropolitan area networks (MAN)
  • local area networks (LAN)
  • campus area networks (CAN)
  • virtual private networks (VPN) be continued


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